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Here we are at the end of the …
Environmental responsibility is a key focus for Tahbilk, located in one of Australia's premium viticultural areas, Nagambie Lakes. It was recognised by previous generations that in order to preserve the quality and longevity of their produce, as well as the balance of its environment, for years to come, it was essential to set in place strategies to safeguard against climate change. Now, as custodians of the Estate, the fifth generation of Purbricks are as determined as the generations gone by to leave a sustainable legacy for those family members to come.
In 2008 Tahbilk commenced a journey to understand its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) profile and establish baselines for calculating the carbon stored onsite by the revegetation activities.
Through onsite re-vegetation, organic waste treatment and the implementation of recognised carbon reduction schemes to offset current emissions Tahbilk achieved its objective of becoming Carbon Neutral for the 2012 financial year. Since then, Tahbilk has partnereed with carboNZero, the world’s first internationally accredited greenhouse gas certification programme under ISO 14065. Tahbilk was the first winery to be carboNZero certified in Australia and one of eight wineries globally at the time to have achieved full carboNZero certification.
Emissions are audited annually and the Estate remains proudly ‘Carbon Neutral’, which means that through a transparent process of measuring emissions, reducing those emissions and offsetting residual emissions, the net calculated carbon emissions equal zero. This is a signficant milestone towards re-balancing greenhouse gas emissions, however the process has uncovered a need to develop a longer range sustainability strategy of achieving internal, natural balance without the need to purchase carbon offsets - an exciting prospect the realisation of which is now underway.
Last year a goal was set to work on two core activities at the winery to reduce emissions, to introduce recycling across the Estate and the implementation of solar power. The hard work is paying off, since introducing the recycling program in the Cafe, Cellar Door and employee lunch rooms, in combination with weighing waste, Tahbilk has reduced it's landfill emisisons by an increadible 79%. As for solar power, very shortly the panels will be added to the winery roof.
So what next? The most pressing issue for Tahbilk is the use of electricity – 71% of its carbon footprint. This area will continue to be a focus as opportunities are explored to expand renewable energy usage and look for more efficient equipment in the winery and on the farm.
Well done Tahbilk and keep up the good work!
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